Saturday, 28 April 2012

"excuse ME ... has anybody seen the missing parts of ME??"

No really, I'm SERIOUS!! I know they were once here but for the life of me, I cannot seem to find any of these all to familar things anymore and I do not KNOW what the heck is happenin'!

Sound familar to any of you precious lovelies?  Well, if you have ever found yourself in the middle of some kind of monumental somethin, a mid life crisis perhaps, or even something as common as a breakup ... let me just remind you that it is NOT uncommon to experience this kind of mental perception and/or craziness! In fact, it is usually the effect that we all are left with once all of the dust settles to the bottom of our consciousness!

Is it FUN? Absolutely NOT!!  This is the time when things really begin to get confusing, frustrating and just down right nasty to our emotional stability!  This can be the impetus also for one to find themselves sitting on a couch in a psychiatrist's office in an attempt to begin the process of opening up what may end up being years and years of emotional baggage and spiritual CONSTIPATION!!!

OK so are we FULL OF emotional and maybe even physical CRAP??  How can one really be sure that what we are feeling is not just who we are?  This is a great question because this is the point of NO RETURN!  Once we embrace the courage and decide to ask ourselves this somewhat daunting question, our world will NEVER be the same ever again!

WHY you ask?

Because once this gateway opens, all of the so called CRAP begins to empty out. Let me just say, this process is not highly enjoyable to any of the human senses but if you can perservere and trust the process, you will soon find yourself and your spirit, heading toward the finish line with a huge gift of TRUTH awaiting your embrace!  WORD of CAUTION though ... once the flood of crap begins to flow you must do 3 things:

1. Find a safe place to go
2. Don't pick it up and look at it
3. Don't pick it up and throw it at anyone ... let it simply be flushed away!!!

So WHAT really HAPPENS during this spiritual CLEANSING anyways?

Reader's digest version .... FREEDOM and UNDERSTANDING, MOVEMENT and JOY

Once the untruth is removed from our beings, as it pertains to whatever the physical experience it is you find yourself entrapped in, there is an element of peace that comes as the result.  Peace in the sense that we are finally able to LET GO of the pain and resistance (which actually is the cause of pain in most cases) that has held us captive in delusion. We not only realize that we have the power to release the chains that bind but more importantly, we are gifted with a deeper insight into WHO we really ARE!!

Let me say this again, we are given the opportunity to STOP the blame game and all the projections that we have become so accustomed to using as a means of shielding ourselves from our deepest truth.

Let's face it, it is always easier to put the load on someone else and make them feel the responsiblity for the reasons why we are not happy or enjoying the things we think we deserve.  THIS my PEOPLE is a very hard pill to digest for some because the LAST thing the ego wants to do is give away its power, especially to the heart!  Here is where is gets fun though, hypothetically speaking of course, because we as personalities living in a human body do NOT consciously realize the name of this game and the profound effect it has on our emotions.

Unless we have been opened to the reality and truth of who and why we are here on this planet in the first place, the movement into this higher enlightened truth will seem like "woohoo talk" to most!  Hence the reason this planet, (and yours), is so filled to capacity with a monstrosity of ridiculous, hurtful expressions and outbursts!

Ok so let's recap as I seem to have gone on a wee tangent from a "love break up" to wars and world craziness ... please know that it is ALL RELATED!!!

Simply speaking, when we find ourselves disengaged within self, experiencing sadness and pain it is because the eyes we are using to see through are not reflecting truth that is in our heart.  We are caught in a game that NO ONE can win when the ego is the force behind each move. 

"Our sense of self will only be revealed ONCE we see the perfection, love and complete wholeness of life that each of us embodies.  When we develop this kind of vision for self, it will expand outwards and continue to do so until it reaches the depth of the universe!" - heart doctor

IT ALL BEGINS with EACH of us .... WE need to become the change we wish to see in this world, as spoken by Ghandi ... our personal world as well as the world at large!

So if you are presently out of a relationship that has hurt the heart, do yourself a huge favor and take the time to release yourself from something that is no longer the truth!  Give yourself the permission to grieve for the time it takes for you to release it out, perhaps the loss of dream that was held within that person, in order to rejoice the gift of love that the heart was able to experience!  There is a gift of learning in EVERYTHING we do .. it is up to us to find it and receive it!

This is where real change can come ... for you and for everyone you LOVE!

... "own your life, engage your heart and let your heartsong be heard my people" ...

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