Saturday, 5 May 2012

omg PEOPLE ... DON'T DO IT!!!

Oh please my precious love warriors, HEAR my VOICE ... whatever you may find yourself doing in your world, be it the connections you make or the habits you borrow, under NO circumstance should you make someone or something else your GOD!!

... AND don't pretend you don't know WHAT I'M TALKIN ABOUT ...

You know, it's like all those things that you worship above and beyond all other things!

For example ...
 - like maybe how you have convinced yourself of the person whose ground you walk on is the brightest most special in the world;
 - or perhaps the habits that make you believe that you cannot LIVE without them;
 - for some, maybe it's the ideas that you must borrow/model in order to be someone (other than who you already are) in this world;
- or is it the newest and bestest of everything just so you can identify with the feelings of acceptance and worthiness ...

OHHHH now THAT's a BIGGY!!!  C'mon my precious lovelies, YOU know EXACTLY what I am talkin about .... and if you don't then please KEEP on reading as I've only just begun to address this topic!!

         NO, NO, NO, NO and NO... DON'T DO IT!!!

OK fair enough, why should you believe any of what I am saying here on this blog?
What makes ME the expert on this topic?

"Well, simply because I have danced the dance and I know with every fiber of my being how it all ends in the heart!  I have tasted the fragrance of losing oneself into another where the essence of who I am in heart, was not fully being transmitted or expressed.  There is nothing like the feeling of believing that you cannot be heard. True or not, that is at least how it feels on the inside!  All sense of purpose for one's existence can not be found ANYWHERE ... yet it is all intack, sacredly held in a space that is just waiting for embrace yet the longer you get distracted OR better yet, the more you give yourself up for another, the further away you become from the freedom of the heart song that is waiting to be heard!" - heart doctor

Ahhh, I cannot stress this enough simply because I have been there and watched many get swallowed up in the ocean of falsity, on more than one occasion.  Most people would not own up to such an action but this space is all about being REAL my peeps, and if you find it getting to be TOO much for the heart, this is exactly where you need to be so do STAY tuned RIGHT where you ARE!
Go grab yourself a latte and get comfy ...

This experience and basically choice that I am speaking of that one can so easily become captive to, does usually find its' way into one's space in a manner that is so inconspicuous!  It takes up residence when we least expect it, meaning our internal navigation system is down which leaves our egoic mind wide open to choose the latest flavors of the month that we are tricked into believing are the answer to the "rockstar" style life we are craving!

Now I realize that some of us reading this are NOT on a mission to become ROCKSTARS persay but the energy flowing behind that kind of personna and RECOGNITION/ADORATION can and does resonate and touch most of us in different arenas of our lives. All you need to do is look at how much time and energy goes into bettering ourselves and our lifestyles be it with the peeps we hang with, or the clothes we wear, or the places we MUST BE SEEN at ...  You get my point!

It's like those crazy wedding/party crasher people, you know the one's that just show up out of nowhere that you believe are part of the moment's celebration and tapestry only to realize at a later date that they somehow just strategically snuck in uninvited and in most cases, are unnoticed until the party's already started ... and I mean, way started!!

"This scenario can only be possible when we do not have mechanisms in place to monitor the comings and goings of our thoughts and deepest intentions!  If there is not a doorman in place checking the tickets for entry, you will be surprised what can sneak through uninvited!"- heart doctor

On a much more simple note, if we do NOT take heed to what is truly important and if we do not take measure in connecting with truth in heart, we will inevitably leave the door to our experiences WIDE open to be determined with whatever it is the ego finds itself attracted to!  The danger in this is that the ego will NEVER guide you in the direction INWARD but rather it will take you on a wild goose chase down a road after everything that will seemingly appear to bring you the real happiness you are seeking, outwardly ...  NOT!!!

hey ... wait for me!!!!


It is perfectly alright to appreciate, question, give gratitude, seek understanding and be open to learning what you need in order to align with your OWN path, but whatever you do, DO NOT IMITATE and COPY someone else's heartsong!!

There is enough to go around, you are magnificent in your OWN way, so much that you DO NOT NEED to become the same as or to clone another person or thing in order to feel comfortable in your beautiful skin!!!  The quicker you realize this, the quicker you will find yourself in complete flow with the universe and all of it's abundance! 

YOU are enough, YOU are unique, YOU are what the world is waiting for, there are no mistakes for why you ARE who YOU are!  Teachers and mentors, at least the authentic ones anyways, are there to recognize YOUR potential, not steal it! They are there to reflect back to you YOUR brilliance, not their's so that you can feel the truth of YOUR awesomeness and KNOW that it exists within YOU and not because they have to give it to you! 


If you need help and are ready to ask for it, by all means do so but the moment a person tries to enlighten your heart with means of scarcity ... please turn around and walk the other way!  YOU have EVERYTHING you need already inside of you! My advice to anyone needing a helping hand is to work only with those that are ready to share a safe space ... no one can heal you and if they tell you they can they are sadly mistaken and most likely have placed themselves first in the equation of serving YOU!!  Don't give in to what your mind is being tricked into thinking, use your DISCERNMENT and allow only your heart to hear the heartbeat of your song!!  We all have been given a unique soulful blueprint, this is where your greatest gifts can be found!!

"own your life, embrace your heart and let your song be heard ..."