Wednesday, 25 April 2012

no more SEX AND THE CITY people!!!

OK, so now that I have your attention ... and it's not because I am going to use this post to reflect on all past episodes of one of my all time fav tv shows, no that would be just way too much fun! Just for the record though, do know that I absolutely LOVE that show and it doesn't matter how many reruns I watch, I still appreciate it so much!!  Actually I probably wouldn't be able to pick just a few to critique as I found each show so incredibly wonderful in its creation and expression due to the fact of just how REAL their on-screen life was to so many living off screen.

Kind of hard to turn a blind eye to topics and issues that seem very natural to the evolution of our growing love population. Although I may not have personally fit into anyone of the characters portrayed in the Sex and the City series with respect to how my life has been sculpted, that certainly doesn't mean I couldn't relate to the very powerful situations of learning and growth that each episode seemed to offer their fan base, regardless of age, sex, race etc.

POINT OF INTEREST ... "when dealing with issues of the heart and love, EVERY breathing person fits into the category! We are all love and we all have a heart!
Where the experience takes on a totally different reality than that description, is in HOW we choose to love and if it is from the heart OR from the second chakra!"

EVERYTHING is ENERGY and ENERGY is EVERYTHING ...  and the importance lies COMPLETELY  in how we choose to USE IT ... or not!

Do we hold onto it and direct it for self fulling enjoyment OR are we consciously serving it through a heart sharing with the intent of raising the universal calibration (frequency) for purposes of enlightenment?

The very first post ever written to birth this blog explained the meaning of the elephant being used as the template behind the writings!  NOW, I will proceed to explain why it's called LOV*IN THE HEART so that you, my readers and love warriors can appreciate the entire energy behind this creative flow of this sacred sharing of the soul!

SEX and the CITY ... OR ... LOV*IN the HEART??  

The answer to this very question lies deep within the very chamber of your truest desires.  It has nothing to do about judgement of any kind whatsoever and doesn't even suggest one being better than the other. HOWEVER, it does have EVERYTHING to do with the energy behind the exchange AND the aftermath of the experience in relation to the heart!

Both have a unique purpose, from the place of the ego and that of the universal energy flow and chakra system within each of our divinity. 
The correlation I am drawing here is based on the spiritual aspect versus that of merely the physical connection. 

I make reference to Sex IN the City (that being of our physical instruments and how we utilize our bodies) to that of LovIN the Heart.  The later being how we move the sexual energy up into the heart chakra from the second chakra in order to experience a taste of the divine instead of just mere orgasmic release!  Depending on which path of union we decide upon will determine the final outcome in terms of the feelings that we are left with in relation to the very exchange through the chosen act of companionship.

I know, CRAZY way of looking at it BUT honestly not that far off the money my precious people!
The idea of having that committed, loving relationship first with self and then to be able to share that with another is absolutely SPECTACULAR!  If we are to be honest with our hearts, most would agree that this IS the most desired outcome the soul is seeking to experience and share in.

Isn't that what the entire series of Sex and the City led us to embrace ... from beginning to end, the quest through the many different journeys seeking OUTSIDE oneself in order to find the INTIMACY that is each our inherent birthright and found only when we allow ourselves the gift of movement up into heart  ... (once again, if we choose to ignite the courage and faith that are key to this inner discovery).

This is NOT an easy process by any stretch of the imagination, especially when we have come to believe that our existence, happiness and true joy depends solely on outside circumstances being fulfilled at the control of someone or something else other than ourselves! 

When we choose to fire up the sexual energy of the second chakra and project it outward to another for mere physical pleasure instead of connecting to the divinity and sacredness of the ignition that will result in the transfer up and into the heart, we are SELLING ourselves SHORT! In other words, we will be waiting a very long time, perhaps engaging in many flavors of the month just hoping that one of them will SATISFY  the insatiable appetite and craving for something so REAL and definitely DREAMY!

Perhaps if the show had of been called Sex IN the City as opposed to Sex AND the City ... the search for the meaning of love IN the heart would not have been portrayed with elements of such illusion and separation.  I speak this from a place of seeing "sex" as the second chakra and "city" as our personal human vessel.  There is a profound and fundamental difference when any energy is directed inward or outward ... the heart KNOWS this difference as does the peace, contentment  and freedom of the soul! 

So here we all sit with the most incredible opportunity before us! EVERY MOMENT of the day, every blessed BREATH we take, we can choose to say YES to venturing higher and deeper, regardless of whether or not we are presently in or exploring a relationship with another; to open up to and embrace the path dictated by meaningful connection and one of massive internal transformation!

Here are a few questions to ponder as a basis of your meditation and or introspection: 

"Are you ready to let go of EVERYTHING you once believed to be true in order to experience and have EVERYTHING that IS TRUTH?

"Are you ready to receive the sacred call that flows through you?'

"Are you ready to walk into WHO YOU ARE?"

... that magnificent bundle of love and light the world has been waiting so patiently for to show up, that is YOU!!! ...

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